
1491 results

Māori Youth Transitions: Gateway

This summary is specific to good practice findings in the Gateway programme, which was one of the three programmes or services evaluated. Gateway supports secondary students in…

Māori Youth Transitions

Māori with higher levels of qualifications are more likely to be employed and earn higher incomes. Higher qualifications also have a positive influence on broader socio-economic…

Culture Segments New Zealand 2011

Culture Segments is a new, international, sector-specific segmentation system for arts, culture and heritage organisations designed by Morris Hargreaves McIntyre (MHM). The system uses data from…

Broadcast programming For Pacific Audiences

This report was developed to help identify narratives and trends, over the last decade, of Pacific broadcasting history, and opportunities for Pacific audiences; providing some indication…

Puataunofo Come Home Safely, Impact Report

This report documents the range and impact of Puataunofo Come Home Safely initiatives as identified by key informants selected by Puataunofo Come Home Safely representatives. The positive…