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154 results

Tuia te here tangata: Making meaningful connections

In Term 3, 2014, ERO undertook a cluster review of five Puna Whakatupu as part of scheduled education reviews. During the course of these reviews, we…

Evaluation of the Partners in Care programme

The Health Quality & Safety Commission conducted an evaluation of the Partners in Care programme to answer the following questions: How successful has the programme been…

Skills for Safety – Evaluation Report

The Ministry of Social Development has funded self defence classes for school-age girls since 2001, primarily through the Women’s Self Defence Network – Wāhine Toa. The…

Managing privacy responsibilities in ECE

In Term 1, 2015, ERO evaluated how well 200 early childhood services managed their responsibilities under the Privacy Act 1993. The evaluation looked at what service…

Meeting requirements for children’s safety and wellbeing in ECE

This report highlights how early childhood services keep up to date with changing regulations and legal requirements in order to effectively manage for children’s safety and…

ECE Participation Programme Evaluation: Stage 3

This report is from the third stage of an evaluation of the Ministry of Education’s (MOE) ECE Participation Programme. The overall evaluation focus is on how…

Impact of the Family Start Home Visiting Programme on Outcomes for Mothers and Children: A Quasi-Experimental Study

Family Start workers make regular home visits and, using a structured program, seek to improve parenting capability and practice. Workers also actively work to promote breastfeeding,…

Health Star Rating Monitoring and Evaluation

The Health Star Rating (HSR) is a new voluntary front-of-pack labelling system developed for use in New Zealand and Australia. It takes the guesswork out of reading…

The Global Trigger Tool: A review of the evidence

The Health Quality & Safety Commission has facilitated a review of literature associated with the development and use of trigger tools to determine rates of harm…

It's, like, trying to make us better people - My FRIENDS Youth final evaluation report

This is an evaluation of the MY FRIENDS Youth programme in New Zealand trial schools. The evaluation focused on whether the programme was implemented as intended,…