
1354 results

Curriculum support in science

This report documents the results of a short online teacher survey that asked about teachers' access to, and use of, a range of resources that could…

Permanent and Long Term Migration: The Big Picture

The monthly release of New Zealand’s permanent and long term migration figures typically attracts intense public interest – the focus usually being on the flow of…

Science community engagement with schools

This report documents the first phase of a project looking at school–science community engagement initiatives. This project was funded by the Ministry of Education and carried…

Reporting Suicide: A resource for the media

The resource is designed for quick access by busy journalists. It describes issues relating to suicide reporting, suggests areas that journalists should think carefully about, and…

Youth Forensic Services Development

Youth forensic services are specialist mental health and alcohol and other drug (AOD) services for young people with mental health disorders, AOD problems and/or intellectual disabilities…

Hospital Events 2007/08

This statistical publication contains analyses and commentary on publicly funded and privately funded hospital events in New Zealand, as reported to the National Minimum Dataset (NMDS).The…

Regional Trends in Teenage Parenthood

The Families Commission is undertaking research to explore the following questions: What are the reasons behind high rates of parenthood amongst young teenagers in specific regions of…