
1195 results

Making disability rights real 2011 – 2012 report

This report reflects the information and data currently available on disabled people. The partners in the monitoring mechanism agreed to focus on certain aspects of the…

Falling costs: the case for investment

This report contributes to the Reducing Harm from Falls national programme of the Health Quality & Safety Commission. The aim is to present the evidence for…

Report on Maternity, 2010

Report on Maternity, 2010 summarises the maternal and newborn information stored in the National Maternity Collection. This collection uses two administrative sources of data: hospital discharge…

Hospital Events 2008/09 and 2009/10

This publication focuses on publicly funded and privately funded hospital events in 2008/09 and 2009/10, and also shows trends from 1995/96. It contains summarised data tables, figures…

Fresh Start Reforms in Operation progress report

The Fresh Start reforms, introduced in October 2010, aim to improve community safety and help address the underlying causes of offending by children and young people.…

New Zealand Maternity Clinical Indicators 2010

The New Zealand Maternity Clinical Indicators are the result of a collaborative process involving the Ministry of Health and maternity stakeholders, representing consumer, midwifery, obstetric, general…