
2494 results

Health and Independence Report 2014

In 2014 the Health and Independence Report (the Director-General of Health’s Annual Report on the State of Public Health) was published as part of the Ministry's…

Topic Series Reports

Offender Population Reports are now being supplemented with Special Topic Reports, which focus on particular sub-groups of the offender population.  These reports are intended to give a…

Comparing classifications 2012 & 2013

This analysis compares the classifications assigned to films and games by different countries. Classifications around the world can be substantially variable as are the symbols, names…

Evaluation of Teen Parent Units 2013

This report documents the findings of ERO's 2013 evaluation of Teen Parent Units. ERO found that most of the Units were operating well.

Evaluation of the Canterbury Work Rights Initiative

The Canterbury Work Rights (CWR) Initiative came into force on 27 August 2012. The initiative trialled the extension of eligibility for part-time work rights for English…

Review of Police and iwi/Māori relationships

This is a summary of the review of Police and iwi/Maori relationships and what can be done together to reduce offending and victimisation. It draws together…

Responding to Infants’ Hunger and Satiety Cues

This research was undertaken to explore first time mothers’ experiences with feeding their infants. In some countries, such as the United States, evidence shows that overweight…

What we know about skills matching in the ICT industry

This paper summarises the available information on skills matching in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector. It draws from statistics and research in the area,…