
535 results

Evaluation of Kaupapa Ara Whakawhiti Mātauranga (KAWM)

Kaupapa Ara Whakawhiti Mätauranga (KAWM) encompassed a number of school improvement initiatives and aimed to: improve student achievement; improve school performance; strengthen school and community relationships; upgrade school ICT infrastructure;…

Māori population: looking out to 2021

In response to a request from the Hui Taumata 2005 Steering Committee, Statistics New Zealand has prepared this paper looking at current and future aspects of…

Whanau Development Project: Final Evaluation Report

The Whanau Development Project piloted a devolved funding approach that involved the Ministry of Social Development providing funding and support for whanau, hapu, iwi and Maori…

Aspirations of rurally disadvantaged Maori youth for their transition from secondary school to further education or training and work

“He tini whetu ki te rangi, ko Ngati Maru ki raro He tini ika ki te moana, ko Ngati Maru ki uta”                                                                                                           .(Ngati Maru pepeha) This research looks…