
539 results

Kapasa | Pacific Policy Analysis Tool

The Ministry for Pacific Peoples’ Pacific Policy Analysis Tool – Kapasa has been updated to add value to the public policy development process, and also includes…

Kapasa | The Pacific Policy Analysis Tool

The Ministry for Pacific Peoples’ Pacific Policy Analysis Tool – Kapasa has been updated to add value to the public policy development process, and also includes…

Subjective whānau wellbeing in Te Kupenga

These reports address a substantial gap in the quantitative evidence base about whānau wellbeing. They are also the first to undertake a detailed analysis of self-assessed whānau wellbeing…

Disability Respite Survey 2016

Disability Support Services conducted two online surveys during October and November 2016. We received 1,268 responses to the family/whānau respite survey and 50 responses to the…

Better Public Services Results for Māori

This booklet relates to the Government’s Better Public Services programme that focuses on State Sector services working together to deliver improved services and better results for…

Māori in the labour market - monitoring report

Māori in the Labour Market -2017 presents key labour market indicators for Māori between 2012 and 2017 using annualised data from the Household Labour Force Survey…

Māori Family Violence Infographic

This resource introduces a set of indicators collated from a range of agencies which provide a picture about the prevalence of violence across Māori families in…