
96 results

Visualising official statistics (Stats NZ WP 11-02)

In general, national statistics offices produce a range of key national economic indicators and population estimates. They may also produce other social, cultural, and environmental statistics,…

Uia Tonutia: Māori Disability Research Agenda

The Māori Disability Research Agenda aims to support research on Māori living with disability and their whānau/family. It has three objectives: Building quality evidence. Capability development. Transfer of knowledge. Research…

Integrated household surveys: a survey vehicles approach

Statistics New Zealand’s household surveys are currently run mainly as stand-alone surveys. This paper proposes an approach where household survey content is integrated into three survey…

Researching with Whānau Collectives

Researching with Whānau Collectives is a project which examines research methods that could be used to gather information from whānau collectively, rather than relying on the…