
1129 results

Skills at Work: Survey of Adult Skills

This report looks at how skills, work-related learning and qualification mismatch varies across different industries and occupations. The report also compares training rates and the prevalence…

State of Care 2016

State of Care 2016 is an annual report based on our independent monitoring of Child, Youth and Family’s policies, practices and services. It includes feedback from…

Skills and Education: Survey of Adult Skills

This report investigates the relationship between education and skills for New Zealand adults, how this relationship has changed over time and how it compares to other…

Wellbeing for success: effective practice

In 2014, the Education Review Office (ERO) undertook an evaluation of the extent to which schools were promoting and responding to student wellbeing in primary and…

Alcohol use by 15 to 17-year-olds: 2014/15 ABAS

The HPA’s Attitudes and Behaviour towards Alcohol Survey (ABAS) monitors New Zealanders’ behaviour and attitudes towards alcohol, including alcohol consumption in the past month. This factsheet…