
324 results

Justice Sector Forecast: Prison Population 2014-2024

The Justice Sector Forecast covers the prison population (remand and sentenced), non-custodial sentences, legal aid expenditure, Crown Law case numbers, and court-imposed fines, amongst other things.…

Problem Gambling - Mystery Shopper Campaign

Preventing and minimising the harm associated with problem gambling is a key element of the regulatory framework for gambling. Much of the intervention in this area…

Evaluation of the "Safer Summer" Road Safety Campaign

The 10km/h speed enforcement threshold has been reduced to 4km/h during official holiday periods in New Zealand since Queen’s Birthday weekend 2010. The 2013/14 Safer Summer…

Topic Series Reports

Offender Population Reports are now being supplemented with Special Topic Reports, which focus on particular sub-groups of the offender population.  These reports are intended to give a…

Review of Police and iwi/Māori relationships

This is a summary of the review of Police and iwi/Maori relationships and what can be done together to reduce offending and victimisation. It draws together…