
2336 results

Enabling Good Lives progress and evaluation reports

This report details the findings from an initial evaluation of the Enabling Good Lives (EGL) Demonstration in Christchurch. EGL is a new approach to supporting disabled people…

Result 10 customer research

Life is about events, not services. When customers contact government they do so in order to achieve an outcome greater than the agency’s own. But often…

Problem Gambling - Mystery Shopper Campaign

Preventing and minimising the harm associated with problem gambling is a key element of the regulatory framework for gambling. Much of the intervention in this area…

Reform of the UK’s decumulation market

This research note focusses on the operation and role of the decumulation market in the context of an ageing population. This market includes financial products and…

The Role of Health Workforce New Zealand

This report provides background and contextual information on Health Workforce New Zealand (HWNZ), and is a companion document to our first yearly update on The Health…

Health of the Health Workforce 2013 to 2014

This report is Health Workforce New Zealand's first yearly update on the state of the health and disability workforce at the present time. It is a…

National Diabetes Work Programme

This document outlines the work programme of the Ministry of Health's diabetes team for 2014/15, including key priorities and the initiatives and objectives to achieve those…

Child Poverty Monitor 2014: Technical Report

This is the second year of the Child Poverty Monitor and this Technical Report provides data on a set of indicators that assess aspects of child…