
662 results

PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) 2006

What is PISA? The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an international standardised study that assesses and compares how well countries are preparing their 15-year-old students…

Cancer Projections: Incidence 2004-08 to 2014-18

This report updates the cancer incidence projections produced by the Ministry of Health since 2002. Overall, the risk of cancer is expected to stabilise or even decline…

Early Protection Immunisation Programme: Information pack

Information for DHBs, PHOs and vaccination providers about the Early Protection Influenza Immunisation Programme commencing on 1 February 2010. The Pack includes information on the Early Protection…

Local Content Report 2009

Since 1989 NZ On Air has measured local free-to-air television content. The Local Content Report compares the schedules of the four national free-to-air channels in 2012…

The Social Report 2010

This site provides social indicators for New Zealand society. The indicators are used to measure social outcomes and monitor trends over time, and to make comparisons…