
454 results

Issues Facing Broadcast Content Regulation

The relevance of content regulation, based on traditional models of broadcasting, is being challenged by technological developments in the communications media industry. Increasingly the control of…

The Work of Doctors in Accident and Medical Clinics

The National Primary Medical Care Survey (NatMedCa) was undertaken to describe primary health care in New Zealand, including the characteristics of providers and their practices, the…

Good Oral Health for All for Life

The vision is for an environment that promotes oral health, whether through fluoridated water, a healthy diet, or publicly funded services staffed by a multidisciplinary workforce…

Public Information and Opinion Monitor: 2006

This report summarises the findings of the NZ On Air 2006 Public Information and Opinion Monitor. TNS has conducted the monitor annually since 1992. This year, new…

Nurses and Their Work in Primary Health Care

One hundred and sixty seven nurses associated with medical practitioners in general practices and A&M clinics completed questionnaires on the different activities they undertook, and the…