
2544 results

Families and Whānau Status Report 2015

The Families and Whānau Status Report is a series that aims to enrich our understanding of family and whānau wellbeing. Measuring family wellbeing is complicated, not…

Continuity of Early Learning: Overview of Data Findings

This report addresses the following research questions exploring assessment practices around learning outcomes information in ECE services and the first years of school. What learning information would/do parents and…

Growing Up in New Zealand: At 2 years old

Growing Up in New Zealand is a longitudinal study that provides an up-to-date, population relevant picture of what it is like to be a child growing…

Public attitudes to data integration

The purpose of this work is to better understand public attitudes to data integration and the willingness of the New Zealand public to share their information…

Tactical Options Research Reports

A key role of New Zealand Police Response and Operations: Research and Evaluation (RORE) is research, analysis, monitoring and evaluation of Police use of force, to…