
573 results

Race Relations in 2009

Welcome to the sixth annual New Zealand race relations report. The first report, reviewing 2004, noted the publication of the Commission’s landmark status report on human…

PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) 2006

What is PISA? The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an international standardised study that assesses and compares how well countries are preparing their 15-year-old students…

Issues Paper 02: Supporting Young People's Relationships

Parents and caregivers have far more influence than they might think on how young people develop and conduct their relationships. The Families Commission’s Supporting Young People’s Relationships…

Cancer Projections: Incidence 2004-08 to 2014-18

This report updates the cancer incidence projections produced by the Ministry of Health since 2002. Overall, the risk of cancer is expected to stabilise or even decline…