
816 results

Competent Children, Competent Learners

The Competent Children, Competent Learners project is a longitudinal study undertaken by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) which focuses on a group of…

Teacher Loss Rates

These reports outline trends in teacher numbers, teacher loss rates and reasons for teacher losses. They are produced annually by the Demographic & Statistical Analysis Unit…

Thriving: Connected - Reflective - Effective

This resource is a provocative and vibrant account of the ‘doing it differently together,’ that is social innovation. It charts the relational journey made by a…

Trends in the German High School Market

This research provides information for New Zealand Secondary schools interested in, or currently active in, the German market. The report covers a breakdown of the main…

Visualising official statistics (Stats NZ WP 11-02)

In general, national statistics offices produce a range of key national economic indicators and population estimates. They may also produce other social, cultural, and environmental statistics,…