
330 results

Men and Health: A literature review

This review critically examines literature about men and their health status to inform considerations about men’s health in New Zealand.  

Safer Sex Evaluation

The Ministry of Health funded an advertising summer campaign (2004/2005) to promote safer sexual health practices. The key goal for the advertising campaign was for at least…

Outcome / impact evaluation of Family Start

The Outcome/Impact Evaluation report contrasts national prevalence statistics available for factors such as smoking and breastfeeding with the outcomes reported for Family Start clients. These should…

Access to cancer services for Māori

The Ministry of Health contracted with the Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences in 2004 to undertake a research project focussed on reviewing available baseline…

Futurewatch - Biotechnologies to 2025

This report aims to help departments take biotechnology developments into consideration in policy development operations and implementation. Information about technology trends can be used at a…

Report on Secondary Teacher Workload Study

This research, carried out by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) in 2004, looks at the hours worked, the kinds of work performed and the…