
628 results

The Alcohol Purchasing Patterns of Heavy Drinkers

In 2011 the Ministry of Health commissioned research to investigate the alcohol purchasing patterns of heavy drinkers. The research informed consideration of a minimum pricing regime…

Tai Aroha

A formative evaluation of the 'Tai Aroha' residential community-based programme for high-risk offenders (2012). Since October 2007, the number of community-based sentencing options available to the judiciary…

Sport New Zealand's Young People's Survey Series

Sport New Zealand’s 2011 Young People’s Survey (YPS) is the most significant piece of research into young New Zealanders’ participation in sport and recreation in more than…

Hospital Events 2007/08

This statistical publication contains analyses and commentary on publicly funded and privately funded hospital events in New Zealand, as reported to the National Minimum Dataset (NMDS).The…

Overview of Māori teen pregnancy

This review is a part of a broader research project being undertaken by the Families Commission in relation to teenage pregnancy and ‘repeat’ teenage pregnancy. The…

Regional Trends in Teenage Parenthood

The Families Commission is undertaking research to explore the following questions: What are the reasons behind high rates of parenthood amongst young teenagers in specific regions of…