
1045 results

Pacific Health Workforce Service Forecast

This report considered ways to increase the number of Pacific peoples in the health workforce and improve outcomes for Pacific patients. It is one of a…

Physical Education in Primary Schools

This  project  was  designed as  a  scoping  study  focusing  on  the  provision  of  physical  education, sport and recreation opportunities within and beyond the curriculum in the…

Secondary schools in 2012

This report contains the main findings from NZCER's 2012 national survey of secondary schools. The survey draws on responses from more than half the country’s secondary…

Annual Monitoring of Reading Recovery

As part of the continuing evaluation of the implementation of Reading Recovery, schools with Reading Recovery are asked to provide information for the Ministry of Education…

Fetal and Infant Deaths 2008 and 2009

The purpose of the Fetal and Infant Deaths publication series is to inform discussion and assist future policy development. Readership of this publication is wide-ranging, and…

Mortality and Demographic Data 2007

Annual statistical publication that collates and analyses information on the underlying causes of all deaths registered in New Zealand. The commentary summarises key facts, mortality rates,…