Search Results

155 results

Teaching approaches and strategies that work

This evaluation looks at teaching approaches and strategies used in schools where there has been a significant increase in the number of students at or above National Standards…

Insights into Digital Harm

This qualitative research study presents young  New Zealanders’ experiences of digital harm in their own words. The research aims to better understand young people’s online behaviour and experiences…

‘Walking the talk’ matters in the use of evidence for transformative education

Invited paper for the International Bureau of Education - UNESCO Project: Rethinking and repositioning curriculum in the 21st century: A global paradigm shift. Evidence, Data and Knowledge, Ministry…

Practice: The New Zealand Corrections Journal - Volume 5 Issue 2: November 2017

Editorial - Stephen Cunningham Addressing the imbalance: Enhancing women's opportunities to build offence free lives through gender responsivity - Hannah McGlue Collaborative, relational and responsive: Principles…

Ka whānau mai te reo: Kei tua o te kura

Ka whānau mai te reo: Kei tua o te kura—Understanding how tertiary education organisations are supporting the transitions of reo Māori learners and speakers completes the series…

2013/14 to 2015/16 Attitudes and Behaviour towards Alcohol Survey: Hawke's Bay Regional Analysis

The Attitudes and Behaviour towards Alcohol Survey (ABAS) is a national survey of people aged 15 years and over about alcohol consumption patterns, alcohol-related behaviour, consequences…

MPTT Evaluation Findings

This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT)  model. The evaluation focusses on the operation and outcomes of the…

The impact of R&D grants on the performance of New Zealand firms

This paper presents the results from an evaluation of the impact of New Zealand Government R&D grants on the performance of New Zealand firms. The analysis…

Rebuilding Canterbury, healthy and safe | Evaluation of Worksafe's Canterbury Rebuild Programme

This evaluation is intended to inform the next phase of WorkSafe’s focus on the Canterbury Rebuild and provide information for future interventions. The evaluation covered both…

Te Waipounamu Regional Profile 2017

Te Puni Kōkiri measures a range of outcomes that fall within Whakapapa (te reo Māori and connection to iwi), Oranga (whānau well-being and whānau housing), Whairawa…