
809 results

Commercialisation of university research

This occasional paper uses new data from the University Commercialisation Offices of New Zealand to look at trends in the commercialisation of university research in New…

Te Kōtahitanga

The Te Kōtahitanga project sought to investigate how to improve the educational achievement of Māori students in mainstream secondary school classrooms, by talking with Māori students and…

Sport New Zealand's Young People's Survey Series

Sport New Zealand’s 2011 Young People’s Survey (YPS) is the most significant piece of research into young New Zealanders’ participation in sport and recreation in more than…

Doing Better for Māori in Tertiary Settings

The TEC commissioned this literature review and the development of draft indicators resulting from the literature to inform and guide an understanding of what TEOs can…

Science community engagement with schools

This report documents the first phase of a project looking at school–science community engagement initiatives. This project was funded by the Ministry of Education and carried…