
437 results

Children's Housing Futures

This research identifies priorities for children's housing and the information required if New Zealand is going to meet children’s housing needs effectively into the future.

Parent Information Project Report

One of the projects resulting from the Well Child Review was the Parent Information Project. This project aimed to determine the best way to provide Well…

PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) 2006

What is PISA? The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an international standardised study that assesses and compares how well countries are preparing their 15-year-old students…

Issues Paper 02: Supporting Young People's Relationships

Parents and caregivers have far more influence than they might think on how young people develop and conduct their relationships. The Families Commission’s Supporting Young People’s Relationships…

The Social Report 2010

This site provides social indicators for New Zealand society. The indicators are used to measure social outcomes and monitor trends over time, and to make comparisons…

NEMP Mathematics Assessment Results 2009

In 2009, the third year of the fourth cycle of national monitoring, three areas were assessed: mathematics, social studies, and information skills. This report presents details…

How Government helps with the cost of disability

Disabled people want the chance to live like other New Zealanders. However, disabled people face many barriers and costs before they can achieve their aspirations to…