
281 results

National sun exposure survey 2009/10: Topline report

Started in 1994, this ongoing sun protection survey takes place every three years, and collects information on New Zealanders' sun protection behaviour and attitudes. Topline results…

Health and Lifestyles Survey 2008

The Health and Lifestyles Survey (HLS) is a monitor of the health behaviour and attitudes of New Zealand adults aged 15 years and over, and parents…

Hospital-based Maternity Events 2006

The 'Hospital-based maternity events 2006' provides health statistics on the pregnancy and childbirth characteristics of mothers who gave birth in hospital, and the babies' characteristics and…

Fetal and Infant Deaths 2006

The purpose of the Fetal and Infant Deaths publication series is to inform discussion and assist in future policy development. Readership of this publication is wide-ranging…

New Zealand Injury Prevention Strategy (NZIPS) Reports

The New Zealand Injury Prevention Strategy (NZIPS) was disestablished in December 2013. The information contained on the pages below has been archived for reference purposes only. The…

Mortality and Demographic Data 2006

Annual statistical publication that collates and analyses information on the underlying causes of all deaths registered in New Zealand. The commentary summarises key facts, mortality rates,…

Fetal and Infant Deaths 2005

Annual statistical publication that collates and analyses information on the causes of fetal and infant deaths registered in New Zealand.