
1129 results

New Zealand Framework for Dementia Care

This publication provides DHBs and the health and social support sectors with a guide for developing their dementia care pathways.  The framework has three guiding principles:following…

Targeting Waiting Times

This publication looks at how district health boards and their staff are working to achieve the three health targets focused on patient access: Shorter stays in emergency…

Early Effects of 20 Hours ECE

20 Hours ECE is an education policy aimed at increasing participation in teacher-led services and eligible kōhanga reo by reducing the cost barrier to families. 20…

Making Connections for Pacific Learners' Success

This report discusses secondary schools where Pacific learners are achieving at or above the national norms for all students. It includes details of initiatives and good…

Child Youth and Family Residential Schools (2013)

This report discusses the quality of education at the nine Child Youth and Family (CYF) residential schools. These schools provide education for the young people in…