
737 results

Sport New Zealand's Young People's Survey Series

Sport New Zealand’s 2011 Young People’s Survey (YPS) is the most significant piece of research into young New Zealanders’ participation in sport and recreation in more than…

Curriculum support in science

This report documents the results of a short online teacher survey that asked about teachers' access to, and use of, a range of resources that could…

Evaluation of Skylight's Travellers programme

Travellers is an early intervention programme run by Skylight for students (generally in Year 9) in New Zealand secondary schools.In order to build on existing studies…

Science community engagement with schools

This report documents the first phase of a project looking at school–science community engagement initiatives. This project was funded by the Ministry of Education and carried…

Parents as First Teachers Evaluation

Parents as First Teachers (PAFT) is a low-intensity home visitation programme for parents with children pre-birth through to three years of age. In New Zealand, it…