
598 results

What Works for Maori

The purpose of this review was to study evidence from five major domains of endeavour to identify a common set of interventions, initiatives, approaches and practices…

Fresh Start Reforms in Operation progress report

The Fresh Start reforms, introduced in October 2010, aim to improve community safety and help address the underlying causes of offending by children and young people.…

Personalised Medicine in New Zealand – think piece

This think piece provides a high-level overview of Personalised Medicine and its potential impact on future healthcare. In the near future, improving understanding of the genomic basis…

EAG working papers

The Children’s Commissioner established an Expert Advisory Group to deliver a significant research-based advocacy programme in 2011-12.  This group (the EAG) released a report: Solutions to…

Delivering Better Public Services

Justice sector agencies – the Ministry of Justice, Department of Corrections, NZ Police, Serious Fraud Office, Crown Law and Ministry of Social Development (for youth justice)…

Court Lawyer Survey: A summary of findings

This paper summarises the results of the Survey of Court Lawyers. The research aimed to better understand lawyers’ experience of services and facilities the Ministry of…