
312 results

KiwiSaver Home Ownership Package Process Evaluation

KiwiSaver providers, subsidy applicants and Housing New Zealand staff were participants in the year one process evaluation of the KiwiSaver Home Ownership package. The views of…

Estimating the determinants of population in Auckland

This paper analyses the location choices of new entrants to Auckland between 1996 and 2006, to identify a systematic relationship between residential location choices and features…

Evaluation of Teen Parent Units 2011

This evaluation reports on the quality of education in the 18 Teen Parent Units (TPUs) that ERO reviewed in Term 2, 2010. The reviews focused on…

Auckland Region Housing Market Assessment

This report assesses current and future housing demand, need and supply (2006 to 2026) in the Auckland region, its distribution, composition and also its implications. This…

Māori Housing Trends 2010

This report examines four key areas: housing supply; assistance and affordability, home ownership, and rental tenure. It begins with an overview of key Māori population dynamics.…