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324 results

Justice Sector Report 2013

Public trust in our institutions and the law is essential to making society work effectively. We want a justice system that delivers the core results of…

Implementing the New Zealand Health Strategy 2013

This report summarises the major achievements in the priority areas of the New Zealand public health service in 2013. Achievements are grouped according to medium-term priorities…

Cardiovascular Disease in New Zealand: Strategic Overview

This document provides a high-level overview of cardiovascular conditions in terms of prevalence and incidence, health outcomes and health utilisation and cost.

Convention Coalition Monitoring Youth Report 2013

This report, relating to the individual experiences of disabled youth, outlines one half of the activities undertaken by The Convention Coalition in 2013, regarding The Disability…

Respiratory Disease in New Zealand: Strategic Overview

This document provides a high-level overview of respiratory conditions in terms of prevalence and incidence, health outcomes and health utilisation and cost. Its purpose is to…

New Zealand Health Survey Content Guide and questionnaires 2012/13

This publication describes the content of the New Zealand Health Survey for the period July 2012 to June 2013. It also outlines the history of the…

Amphetamine Use 2012/13: Key findings of the New Zealand Health Survey

This report presents findings from the 2012/13 New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS) about ‘at least monthly’ and ‘past year’ amphetamine use in adults aged 16–64 years…

Providing Health Services for People with Intellectual Disability in New  Zealand: Literature review and case studies

The literature review and set of five in-depth case studies outline successful health interventions and tools for improving the health of people with intellectual disability.

Inquiry Report: Department of Corrections: Managing offenders to reduce reoffending

Most of us know someone who has been affected by crime. The goals of the Department of Corrections (the Department) are to improve public safety and…

Central government: Results of the 2012/13 audits (Volume 1)

This report presents the results of our audit of the Government's 2012/13 financial statements and reports on the results of our review of whether government expenditure…