
194 results

MPTT Evaluation Findings

This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT)  model. The evaluation focusses on the operation and outcomes of the…

Cultural Revitalisation: One Pasifika Perspective

In this paper, Anne Moefa’auo looks at Cultural Revitalisation in relation to her role as a secondary school teacher of migrants and refugees. This is the third in…

Quality improvement: no quality without equity?

In this paper the Health Quality & Safety Commission explore health quality and equity in New Zealand. Further, this paper sets the scene for a shift in…

Kapasa | Pacific Policy Analysis Tool

The Ministry for Pacific Peoples’ Pacific Policy Analysis Tool – Kapasa has been updated to add value to the public policy development process, and also includes…

Kapasa | The Pacific Policy Analysis Tool

The Ministry for Pacific Peoples’ Pacific Policy Analysis Tool – Kapasa has been updated to add value to the public policy development process, and also includes…

Project Lumana'i

Project Lumana’i is a programme of research into the needs of Pasifika young people, families and teachers to inform the creation of career support resources that…

Contemporary Pacific Status Report

The Ministry's  Contemporary Pacific Status Report brings together information from across government into one easily accessible document and highlights the current position of Pacific peoples in…

Ngāue Fakataha ki he ako 'a e Fānau

Reports for the research and development project Ngāue Fakataha ki he Ako ’a e Fānau — Schools and Parents and Families Working Together to Better Understand…

Feasibility Studies

In Budget 2016/17 the two feasibility studies were funded to look into the viability of Project Tatupu and the Pacific Cultural Centre. These studies have now…