
376 results

Pacific Pathways to Prevention of Sexual Violence

This multi-ethnic (Samoan, Cook Island, Tonga, Niue, Fiji, Tokelau and Tuvalu) research project discusses ethnic-specific Pacific views of sexual violence, including protective and risk factors. The project analyses the extent to which traditional Pacific cultural…

Mental Health: Service use in New Zealand, 2007/08

The publication presents data extracted from the Mental Health Information National Collection, and covers the year ended 30 June 2008. This publication will be available in hard…

Settlement of Pacific Migrants

Pacific people have a long history of settlement in New Zealand, with several waves of migration from various parts of the Pacific throughout the last 150…

Social and Economic Indicators of Education

This report uses data from the 2008 New Zealand General Social Survey to explore how a range of 30 social and economic indicators vary with education. It…

Demographics of New Zealand's Pacific Population

The first report in the Pacific Progress series, Demographics of New Zealand’s Pacific Population looks at the growth of the Pacific population and how the characteristics of this…