
859 results

The Migration Patterns of Industry Trainees

This report presents new statistics on the extent to which industry trainees leave and return to New Zealand. For New Zealand industry trainees who completed a…

Justice Sector Report 2013

Public trust in our institutions and the law is essential to making society work effectively. We want a justice system that delivers the core results of…

Convention Coalition Monitoring Youth Report 2013

This report, relating to the individual experiences of disabled youth, outlines one half of the activities undertaken by The Convention Coalition in 2013, regarding The Disability…

Migration Trends and Outlook 2012/2013

This annual report is the 13th in a series that examines trends in temporary and permanent migration to and from New Zealand. The report updates trends…

New Zealand Framework for Dementia Care

This publication provides DHBs and the health and social support sectors with a guide for developing their dementia care pathways.  The framework has three guiding principles:following…

Targeting Waiting Times

This publication looks at how district health boards and their staff are working to achieve the three health targets focused on patient access: Shorter stays in emergency…