
605 results

BES Exemplar 5 "Learning Logs He kete wherawhera"

The BES exemplars are a series of publications that make transparent the nature of: highly effective teaching professional learning and development educational leadership educationally powerful connections with families whānau, and communities…

BES Exemplar 2 "Ripene Awhina ki te Panui Pukapuka (RAPP)"

The BES exemplars are a series of publications that make transparent the nature of: highly effective teaching professional learning and development educational leadership educationally powerful connections with families whānau, and communities…

BES Exemplar 4 "Reciprocal Teaching"

The BES exemplars are a series of publications that make transparent the nature of: highly effective teaching professional learning and development educational leadership educationally powerful connections with families whānau, and communities…

Partnerships with Māori: He Waka Whānui

Drawing from the Families Commission Act 2003 (Section 7), the Families Commission takes a strengths-based approach to the work informing its Whānau Strategic Framework. For example,…

Te Kōtahitanga

The Te Kōtahitanga project sought to investigate how to improve the educational achievement of Māori students in mainstream secondary school classrooms, by talking with Māori students and…

Sport New Zealand's Young People's Survey Series

Sport New Zealand’s 2011 Young People’s Survey (YPS) is the most significant piece of research into young New Zealanders’ participation in sport and recreation in more than…

Engagement between business and community organisations

A summary of research into businesses’ current practices, needs, motivations and experience sounding supporting community organisations. The report also includes advice on practical steps community organisations…

Science community engagement with schools

This report documents the first phase of a project looking at school–science community engagement initiatives. This project was funded by the Ministry of Education and carried…