
2336 results

NEMP Writing Assessment Results 2006

In 2006, the fourth year of the third cycle of national monitoring, two areas were assessed: health and physical education, and the writing, listening and viewing…

Ngā Kāwai: Implementing Whakatātaka 2002 - 2005

He Korowai Oranga and Whakatātaka have established a firm foundation for the health and disability sector to work towards improving Māori health outcomes, supporting whānau ora…

Second-hand smoke in the home: Mini-report

This short report, prepared for the Ministry of Health, presents figures on second-hand smoke exposure and smoking behaviour inside households where children live.  Results indicate that…

Migration Trends 2005/06

This report is the sixth in a series produced annually to provide information about trends in temporary and permanent migration to New Zealand.  The reports are…

Foundation Skills in Seasonal Workplaces

The Department of Labour (DOL) engaged Workbase: The New Zealand Centre for Workforce Literacy Development to complete Phase I and II of the Foundation Skills in Seasonal Workplaces…