
589 results

Ngā Haeata Mātauranga: Annual Report on Māori Education

This report published annually provides an overview of Māori education, from early childhood to the tertiary sector. It includes initiatives specifically directed to Māori. Statistical analysis…

Evaluation of the Defendant Centred Courtroom pilot

The Defendant Centred Courtroom (DCC) pilot trialed a reconfigured District Court courtroom where defendants who are not in custody sit or stand beside their counsel at…

What does bullying look like in Wellington?

New research explores the issue of bullying in the Wellington suburbs of Newtown, Berhampore, Kilbirnie and Strathmore. Skylight Trust talked with 65 kids and 6 adults to find…

Justice Sector Report 2013

Public trust in our institutions and the law is essential to making society work effectively. We want a justice system that delivers the core results of…

Respiratory Disease in New Zealand: Strategic Overview

This document provides a high-level overview of respiratory conditions in terms of prevalence and incidence, health outcomes and health utilisation and cost. Its purpose is to…