
454 results

Partnerships with Māori: He Waka Whānui

Drawing from the Families Commission Act 2003 (Section 7), the Families Commission takes a strengths-based approach to the work informing its Whānau Strategic Framework. For example,…

Maternity Consumer Survey 2011

The Maternity Consumer Survey aims to assess women’s perceptions of maternity services. Previous surveys were carried out in 1999, 2002 and 2007. In 2011, for the…

Te Kōtahitanga

The Te Kōtahitanga project sought to investigate how to improve the educational achievement of Māori students in mainstream secondary school classrooms, by talking with Māori students and…

Local Content Report 2011

Since 1989 NZ On Air has measured local free-to-air television content. The Local Content Report compares the schedules of the four national free-to-air channels in 2012…