
2312 results

Review of the National Alcohol Strategy 2000-2003

Alcohol is the most commonly used drug in New Zealand, and is one of the leading causes of drug-related harm. The Government’s response to addressing alcohol-related harm…

Disabled People and Provision for Retirement

In 2003, background papers to the review of retirement income policy noted that comment was required on the issues faced by disabled people1 just as they…

A Time For Change in Māori Economic Development

A discussion document prepared by the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER) on the future of Māori economic development. This report is designed to stimulate discussion…

International Workforce Literacy Review

These reviews outline the work that is taking place in the area of workforce literacy in Australia, Canada, England, Ireland and the United States.

An Ounce of Prevention

As the case studies in this booklet attest, there are many good reasons to view family violence as a health issue. Health professionals are often the…