
616 results

In Fact: Awareness of sources of help for depression

Through the National Depression Initiative (NDI), the Health Promotion Agency (HPA) aims to help reduce the impact of depression on New Zealanders by aiding early recognition…

National problem gambling effectiveness studies-36 month outcomes

The two studies reported here are three year extensions of previously reported studies: National Problem Gambling Intervention Effectiveness Effectiveness of problem gambling brief telephone interventions These studies investigated the effectiveness…

Justice Sector Forecast: Prison Population 2014-2024

The Justice Sector Forecast covers the prison population (remand and sentenced), non-custodial sentences, legal aid expenditure, Crown Law case numbers, and court-imposed fines, amongst other things.…

Result 10 customer research

Life is about events, not services. When customers contact government they do so in order to achieve an outcome greater than the agency’s own. But often…

Health of the Health Workforce 2013 to 2014

This report is Health Workforce New Zealand's first yearly update on the state of the health and disability workforce at the present time. It is a…