
582 results

In Fact: Awareness of sources of help for depression

Through the National Depression Initiative (NDI), the Health Promotion Agency (HPA) aims to help reduce the impact of depression on New Zealanders by aiding early recognition…

Children's Media Use Research

Our lives are now awash with media. Consequently our children are exposed to, or can potentially access more content, from a wider range of media, on…

Local Content Report 2014

Since 1989 NZ On Air has measured local free-to-air television content. The Local Content Report compares the schedules of the six national free-to-air channels to observe…

Alcohol-related attitudes in 2010, 2012, and 2014

The Health and Lifestyles Survey (HLS) is a cross-sectional survey conducted every two years with a nationally-representative sample of New Zealand adults (aged 15 years and…