
454 results

Young people’s exposure to onscreen smoking: In Fact

In 2012, the U.S. Surgeon General concluded that young people’s exposure to smoking depictions in movies can cause smoking initiation. Participants in the 2012 Youth Insights Survey…

Public opinion about tobacco plain packaging: In Fact

In February 2013, the New Zealand Government announced that it agreed ‘in principle’ to introduce a plain packaging regime in alignment with Australia. Prior to the announcement…

Public opinion on removing tobacco displays: In Fact

The Smoke-free Environments (Controls and Enforcement) Amendment Act 2011 (the Amendment Act) amended the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 to prohibit the display of tobacco products at…

Education sector: Results of the 2011 audits

Education is important to every New Zealander. We all have a stake in the outcomes of our investment in education, and, unsurprisingly, many people have a…