
737 results

Resource Teachers: Literacy Data Collection

Data on students taught by Resource Teachers: Literacy (RT:Lits) and their precursors, the Resource Teachers of Reading (RTRs) have been collected and analysed each year since…

Monitoring Teacher Supply 2013

The annual Survey of Staffing provides the Ministry of Education with a snapshot of the number of entitlement staffing vacancies at the start of Term 1.…

Evaluation of Teen Parent Units 2013

This report documents the findings of ERO's 2013 evaluation of Teen Parent Units. ERO found that most of the Units were operating well.

Youth Service Evaluation – June 2014

Youth Service is a new approach to working with vulnerable young people where MSD contracts a service provider to work actively and intensively with a young…

Pacific Adolescent Career Pathways

The Pacific Adolescent Career Pathways project is, to date, the largest and only Pacific-specific longitudinal study designed to explore and address information gaps on the formative…

China Insight Report July 2014

The Chinese market is large and dynamic. To keep you abreast of key developments relating to education, ENZ’s China team periodically publishes insight reports. The reports outline…

TELA Laptops Scheme School Survey 2013

This report outlines the results of the TELA Laptops Scheme School Survey for 2013.  This survey was conducted in order to determine whether the current products…