
313 results

EAG working papers

The Children’s Commissioner established an Expert Advisory Group to deliver a significant research-based advocacy programme in 2011-12.  This group (the EAG) released a report: Solutions to…

Tupu Ola Moui: Pacific Health Chart Book 2012

Tupu Ola Moui presents key indicators for Pacific health including socioeconomic determinants, risk and protective factors, health status, the health system and health service utilisation. It identifies…

Broadcast programming For Pacific Audiences

This report was developed to help identify narratives and trends, over the last decade, of Pacific broadcasting history, and opportunities for Pacific audiences; providing some indication…

Puataunofo Come Home Safely, Impact Report

This report documents the range and impact of Puataunofo Come Home Safely initiatives as identified by key informants selected by Puataunofo Come Home Safely representatives. The positive…

Reviewing financial management in central government

Significant fiscal challenges are forcing change in the way central government works. The Better Public Services Advisory Group Report of November 2011 recognises these changes and…

New Zealanders and the arts 2011

This document is Creative New Zealand’s summary of findings from independent research in 2011 into New Zealanders’ attitudes to, attendance at and participation in the arts.

Position on Partnership Schools Kura Hourua

This paper outlines the Children's Commissioner’s position on partnership schools kura hourua and his views on the key elements that could be implemented to support the…

Transforming cultures to grow women leaders

This report, prepared by the EEO Trust for the Ministry of Women's Affairs details case studies of six New Zealand companies' work on gender diversity.