
1491 results

Ka whānau mai te reo: Kei tua o te kura

Ka whānau mai te reo: Kei tua o te kura—Understanding how tertiary education organisations are supporting the transitions of reo Māori learners and speakers completes the series…

MPTT Evaluation Findings

This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT)  model. The evaluation focusses on the operation and outcomes of the…

Cultural Revitalisation: One Pasifika Perspective

In this paper, Anne Moefa’auo looks at Cultural Revitalisation in relation to her role as a secondary school teacher of migrants and refugees. This is the third in…

Improving New Zealand disability data

Improving New Zealand disability data outlines Stats NZ’s plans to publish new data about disabled people. The paper provides information about the way in which the…