
314 results

National Cancer Programme: Work Plan 2012/13

The National Cancer Programme brings together the work of the Ministry of Health, district health boards (DHBs) and regional cancer networks to implement the Government’s priorities…

Targeting Prevention

This publication looks at how district health boards, primary health organisations and general practices are working to achieve the prevention-focused health targets:Increased immunisationBetter help for smokers…

Hutt Valley Justice Sector Innovation Project

Better Public Services (BPS) is driving significant change across the public sector, providing clear focus, direction and mandate for more collective action focused on results. Continuing…

Uptake of the influenza vaccine in 2012: In Fact

The Ministry of Health recommends the influenza vaccine to protect New Zealanders against the influenza virus. In the Health Promotion Agency’s 2012 Health and Lifestyles Survey,…

Fetal and Infant Deaths 2008 and 2009

The purpose of the Fetal and Infant Deaths publication series is to inform discussion and assist future policy development. Readership of this publication is wide-ranging, and…