
594 results

State of Care 2016

State of Care 2016 is an annual report based on our independent monitoring of Child, Youth and Family’s policies, practices and services. It includes feedback from…

Public sector accountability through raising concerns

The theme for our 2014/15 work programme was Governance and accountability. Our dedication to transparency and accountability helps to make our country’s public sector management special. Public…

The Global Trigger Tool: A review of the evidence

The Health Quality & Safety Commission has facilitated a review of literature associated with the development and use of trigger tools to determine rates of harm…

Formative Evaluation of Sore Throat Clinics

Rheumatic fever can be prevented by prompt diagnosis of a Group A streptococcal (GAS) throat infection and treatment with antibiotics.  The Rheumatic Fever Prevention Programme aims…

In Focus: Families with complex needs: International approaches

Supporting families with complex needs often requires funding and delivery arrangements that differ from standard social services. A continuum of interventions, including individual, targeted approaches alongside…

Co-design programme evaluation 2014–15

Evaluation of the Health Quality & Safety Commission's Partners in Care 2014–15 co-design programme, including a summary version and full evaluation report.