
2801 results

Health professionals driving under the influence

In March 2018, an article in New Zealand Doctor, ‘My best friend alcohol’, provided anecdotal reports of alcohol abuse by doctors and nurses and put out…

Parenthood and labour market outcomes

The gender pay gap in NZ has generally been decreasing since 1998, and in the 2017 June quarter fell to 9.7%, its lowest since 2012. However,…

Youth Justice Indicators

This report provides insight into the performance of various aspects of the youth justice system. It aims to help those involved in youth justice understand system-wide…

Youth Justice Research

Research on aspects of youth justice, from the Oranga Tamariki Evidence Centre  Youth Remand TrendsThis report looks at the types of remand used for youth, and the…

The Disability Respite Market

This paper provides information about disability respite support and services. It’s intended to help current and prospective providers of respite services to better understand the characteristics…