
95 results

Canterbury Wellbeing Index

The Canterbury Wellbeing Index tracks the progress of the social recovery, using indicators to provide information on the impacts of the earthquakes on wellbeing and to…

Skills shortages in drama production

Tim Thorpe Consulting Ltd undertook a study looking at where there are skills shortages in drama production, how these might be plugged, and where there might…

Audience Atlas New Zealand 2014

This resource provides detailed insight into New Zealanders’ relationship with arts and culture which our clients and other arts organisations can use to increase engagement with…

New Zealanders and the arts 2014

Attitudes, attendance and participation in 2014. This three-yearly research began in 2005 and was repeated in 2008, 2011 and 2014. It delivers on-going information to the…

The CERA Wellbeing Survey

The CERA Wellbeing Survey is an opportunity for residents of greater Christchurch to say how they're going and what they think about the earthquake recovery. It's…

The nature of wellbeing: how nature’s ecosystem services contribute to the wellbeing of New Zealand and New Zealanders’

No matter who we are or where we live, our well-being depends on the way ecosystems work                                                                                                                     (Haines-Young & Potschin 2010: 110) What do we need for a…