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333 results in multiple government agencies

The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Journey

The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Research is following a group of Bhutanese refugees from camps in Nepal through to settlement in New Zealand.The research involves three phases…

New Zealand’s Refugee Sector: Perspectives and Developments, 1987–2010

This study is part of a wider Department of Labour research programme entitled Quota Refugees Ten Years On: Perspectives on Integration, Community and Identity. This multi-year…

Experimental stochastic population projections for New Zealand: 2009(base)–2111 (Stats NZ WP 11-01)

The demographic future is uncertain. Conventionally, this uncertainty is conveyed by different scenarios with specific, stated assumptions about the components of population change (fertility, mortality, and…

Integrated household surveys: a survey vehicles approach

Statistics New Zealand’s household surveys are currently run mainly as stand-alone surveys. This paper proposes an approach where household survey content is integrated into three survey…

Social and population statistics information needs for New Zealand

Social and population statistics provide important information about the progress of our society. They are essential for government planning and expenditure decisions. Authoritative and trusted statistics…

A register-based census: what is the potential for New Zealand?

Some countries, including Finland and Denmark, are now conducting their population censuses using administrative data registers rather than a nationwide survey of households. This information paper…

Labour Market Characteristics of Unpaid Carers

A substantial part of the workforce — about one-eighth — engage in unpaid care for "persons with ill health, a disability, mental illness, an addiction, or…

Customer Satisfaction with Immigration New Zealand Relationship Managers

The Employers of Migrants Survey assesses customer satisfaction with services provided by INZ, and the benefits and issues associated with employing migrants. This survey also monitors…

Health and Pacific People in New Zealand

Health and Pacific Peoples in New Zealand is the third report in the Pacific Progress series. It presents findings on Pacific peoples’ health outcomes, discusses the socio-economic…

Attitudes towards Immigrants and Immigrant Experiences: Predictive models based on regional characteristics

In a globally competitive market, New Zealand has set about formulating immigration policy and practices for economic growth and development. At the same time, due consideration…