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333 results in multiple government agencies

Trends in Youth Activity in New Zealand from 1985-2004

Limited information is currently available on youth activity in New Zealand. This paper uses data primarily from the Household Economic Survey (HES) to provide a comprehensive…

Household Spending on Culture: 2006

Cultural activities play a significant part in the daily lives of New Zealanders, contributing, among other things, to our national identity and our understanding of ourselves…

People on the Move: A study of migrant movement patterns to and from New Zealand

One long-term measure of a migrant’s successful settlement and contribution to the country is the extent to which they remain in the country after taking up…

Successful benefit-to-work transitions?

This study uses data from New Zealand’s Linked Employer-Employee Database (LEED) to examine the longer-term employment outcomes of adults who moved from a government income support…

Globalisation, gendered migration and labour markets

In New Zealand, in all age groups under 20, and in key working age groups, historically there have been more men than women. However, census data…

Upskilling through foundation skills - A literature review

This literature review is intended to inform a work programme on lifting the literacy, language and numeracy (LLN) skills of the workforce. The work programme will…

Aggregates and individual wage earnings in LEED

Longitudinal analyses with continuous repeated outcomes provide fuller insight into population and individual behaviour over time. Insights into processes of social change can thus be greatly…

Survival analysis of transitions from benefit to work

What factors affect the probability that a person makes a transition from benefit to employment? What is the effect of those factors? Given information such as…

Work values and the quality of employment: a literature review

This paper reviews the literature on what people value in employment and on methods of measuring the quality of employment, with a view to measuring it…

Returning to work from injury: Longitudinal evidence on employment and earnings

New Zealand has a comprehensive accident insurance system that pays much of the direct cost of accidental injuries, and compensates workers 80 percent of their earnings…