
157 results in multiple government agencies

Measuring Job Tenure Using Linked Employer-Employee Data

The publication of job tenure statistics from Statistics New Zealand’s Linked Employer-Employee Dataset (LEED) in 2006 provided the first comprehensive source of information in this area…

Work Patterns after Paid Parental Leave

This paper uses longitudinal data from the Linked Employer-Employee Dataset to describe the employment and earnings patterns of people who first received paid parental leave between…

Transitions from work to retirement

Survey responses indicate that the majority of working-aged New Zealanders would prefer to make a gradual transition from work to retirement, rather than move abruptly from…

Developing the prototype Longitudinal Business Database

This paper describes Statistics New Zealand’s development of the prototype Longitudinal Business Database (LBD). The LBD is the result of a two-year feasibility study to integrate…