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Department of Internal Affairs | Te Tari Taiwhenua

Website: Department of Internal Affairs

First principles review of Crown funded schemes: review and proposed approach

This paper outlines the process the Department of Internal Affairs (the Department) undertook to review five community Crown funded schemes and the results of the review.…

Some international approaches to community grant funding

This paper provides an overview of approaches to grant-making for community development in selected countries. It presents a high-level picture aimed to inform the development of…

‘What Works’ to achieve effective collaboration between community organisations – a literature review

Allen and Clarke Policy and Regulatory Specialists Ltd (Allen & Clarke) was engaged by the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) to carry out a literature review…

What works? A systematic review of research and evaluation literature on encouragement and support of volunteering

The Department of Internal Affairs commissioned this systematic literature review to assist the Lottery Grants Board and its distribution committees to make distribution decisions that are…

A review of collaboration among councils

The focus of the review was to provide insight into the factors that encourage collaboration among local councils and those that might hinder it. Three research…

Māori Participation and Engagement with Local Government

The Local Government Act 2002 recognises and respects the Crown’s obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi by placing some specific obligations on local authorities. These obligations…

Information on Local Government Water Network Infrastructure

The Department of Internal Affairs (the Department) is seeking to make consistent information about councils more available and accessible, to better understand issues facing the local…

Analysis of Council Organisations

There are 85 local authorities in New Zealand that provide services to their communities. The majority of services are provided within the ‘core’ council structure. However,…

Local Government Case Studies

This series of case studies looks at how councils have approached the planning (mainly the long-term council community plan), decision-making and community outcomes provisions of the…

Observations and Trends from the 2009/19 Long-term Council Community Plans

 Local councils are an important contributor to the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of communities across the country. As such it is important to understand…